April Brings Exciting Changes for Momentum!

Happy Spring! Spring is a time for renewal, hope and looking forward to our coveted warm summer months. A great time for us to open our doors to in-person services this month! I am still pinching myself after so many false starts, this is actually happening! Our team is beyond excited to welcome you back into our amazing space and work together again. We have missed our clients and each other. For those of you who find virtual counselling services to better meet your needs, we will continue to offer virtual, it is here to stay. For now our groups will remain virtual and we hope to offer in-person groups again soon.
In keeping with the spring theme, Momentum is continuing to grow! Both in terms of team members and programs. Thanks to new funding from Alberta Health, the Telus Edmonton Community Board as well as the Wellness Network, we are adding a Women’s Wellness group, a Youth Mental Health Group, a Loss and Grief group as well as a group I have wanted to host since I joined- a Support and Recovery Group for First Responders. Check out our website for more dates and other information, coming soon.
We are also excited to announce the triumphant return of the Momentum Mental Health Awards! The MMHAs were held in 2018 and 2019 and were truly a first for the mental health sector in Edmonton. The MMHAs provide a unique opportunity to recognize and celebrate the many leaders in mental health promotion in our community. Mark your calendars for October 6, 2022 where we will be hosting a luncheon and awards ceremony at the beautiful Fantasyland Hotel.
We have also secured a very popular and sought-after local leader in mental health promotion to be our guest speaker, whom I will announce soon! We are adding new nomination categories this year, so think about who you would like to nominate and check our website later this month as we add more details. It will be an amazing event.
As always, we couldn’t do what we do without you!
If you would like to assist us in providing low-cost, quality mental health support, please consider donating. As a registered charity, you will receive a tax receipt. Thanks for helping keep the Momentum!